Mini-review: The United States of Air - Vanilla Moon Books

Mini-review: The United States of Air

Food Enforcement Agent Jason Frolick believes in America. He believes in eating air. He struggles to get the food monkey off his back. As part of the Global War on Fat, his job is to put food terrorists in Fat Camp.
When a pizza dealer gets whacked in the park across the street from the Thin House, the Prophet Jones himself asks Frolick to investigate. For the first time ever, Frolick solves a murder—but what he finds out shakes his faith.Will he ever be able to eat air again?

Am câştigat această carte mulţumită unui concurs pe Goodreads. Din păcate, nu m-am putut bucura de ea deloc.
Nu am fost absolut deloc amuzată de glumele din această carte. Au fost prea exagerate pentru gustul meu şi oricât de mult detest să las cărţi neterminate, eram atât de nervoasă după 100 de pagini încât a trebuit să renunţ. Sincer, nu ştiu cum am reuşit să citesc atât de mult din ea. Am crezut că va fi mai bine, dar era tot mai rău.
Sunt recunoscătoare că am primit această carte, dar asta nu mă poate face să ignor toate defectele ei, de la glumele de rahat (la propriu şi figurat), până la intriga imposibilă. Este atât de diferită decât ceea ce te lasă descrierea să crezi că e...

Food Enforcement Agent Jason Frolick believes in America. He believes in eating air. He struggles to get the food monkey off his back. As part of the Global War on Fat, his job is to put food terrorists in Fat Camp.
When a pizza dealer gets whacked in the park across the street from the Thin House, the Prophet Jones himself asks Frolick to investigate. For the first time ever, Frolick solves a murder—but what he finds out shakes his faith.Will he ever be able to eat air again?

I won this book thanks to Goodreads First Reads Giveaways. Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it at all.
I wasn't even the slightest bit amused by the jokes in this book. It was way too exaggerated for my taste and as much as I hate not finishing books, I was so annoyed after 100 pages that I had to drop it. I honestly don't know how I managed to get that far. I thought it might get better, but instead it only got worse and worse.
I am grateful for receiving the book, don't get me wrong, but that can't make me suddenly ignore all the bad things about it, from the shit jokes (literally and figuratively) to the impossible plot. It is so much different from what the book description makes you believe it is...

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