Witchling Trilogy Continues!
The next installment of the Witchling Saga is now available! "Autumn Dawn" (#2.5, Witchling Saga) is available from Amazon and Amazon UK, and will soon be available from Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and iTunes. Author Lizzy Ford recently announced that the Trilogy is being turned into at least a four book series.
Autumn Dawn (#2.5)
"Autumn Dawn" is the fourth installment of the bestselling Witchling series by author Lizzy Ford. Other books in the series include:
"Dark Summer" (#1)
(Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords)
"Summer Night" (#1.5)
(Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords)
"Autumn Storm" (#2)
(Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, iTunes.)
The third and fourth books ("Winter Kiss" and "Spring Moon") are slated for release in 2013.