Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice [Review]

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice
by Stacy King , Po Tse , Jane Austen
376 pages
Published August 19th 2014 by Udon Entertainment
Beloved by millions the world over, Pride & Prejudice is delightfully transformed in this bold, new manga adaptation. All of the joy, heartache, and romance of Jane Austen's original, perfectly illuminated by the sumptuous art of manga-ka Po Tse, and faithfully adapted by Stacy E. King.
I know a great series when I see it. The first "Manga Classics" book I read was the adaptation of Les Miserables, which at the time had very few reviews and was yet another risky choice of a title to review, especially since I had previously been dissapointed by other graphic novels from NetGalley.
But it exceeded my expectations and I requested their second title - "Pride and Prejudice" - another classic I'm planning on reading but never got around to. And once again I am pleased to rate it no less than 5 stars. I waited for the release date to actually review it, and I am amazed to see almost 2 thousand ratings for each of these titles, and an average of over 4 stars. Excellent!
The story mainly focuses on Darcy, Elizabeth and their famous love story. We also have a little insight on Elizabeth's sisters lives and her family in general.
Pride & Prejudice has another illustrator than Les Miserables, a very different style might I add, but it still reminds me of those old, amazing mangas I have loved in the past. The story is your classic historical romance, but having not read the original, I cannot comment on how closely it follows the book.
I can however guarantee you're in for a great read, and having it beautifully illustrated can only be a bonus.