Review: No Way Back (Mia's Way, #1) - Chloe Adams
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Goodreads Description
Sometimes bad things happen to beautiful people.
The wealthy daughter of a high-ranking politician, seventeen year old Mia Abbott-Renou has everything: designer clothes, wealth, spring breaks in Monte Carlo. She lives blissfully unaware of her family’s secrets, until the night she is raped by the son of her father’s greatest political ally.
Her father forbids her from going to the police and threatens to throw her out if she does. It’s a critical election year, one that his party might lose, if the public sours on his doting father image when they realize his daughter is an underage lush and party girl. He can’t risk splintering the party in a nasty court battle that’s certain to draw way too much press, even if that means sacrificing his daughter.
Mia’s world is shattered twice, once by the men who hurt her, and once by the betrayal of her family. She does what her father says. But the rapists strike again and beat their next victim near death.
With the help of her best friend and a couple of unlikely allies, Mia must decide: does she risk losing everything to do what’s right? Or does she turn her back on the truth and preserve the family name?
What’s privileged girl to do, when her perfect little world isn't so perfect anymore?
Genre: YA, Contemporary, Drama
Length: 179 pages
Am atât de multe lucruri de spus despre această carte, încât nici nu ştiu de unde să încep! Să vedem… Ceea ce m-a făcut să vreau să o citesc a fost faptul că mi-a fost recomandată de o autoare foarte dragă mie, aşa că mi-am spus “De ce nu?” şi, fiindcă ebookul era gratuit, am profitat de ocazie… sau aşa am crezut. Sunt o aiurită uneori, vedeţi voi, şi când am vrut să încep lectura, mi-am dat seama că nu o luasem. Am fost foarte tristă atunci, dar… ghiciţi ce? Aceeaşi persoană care mi-a recomandat-o mi-a făcut-o cadou prin Amazon. Aşa că vreau să-i mulţumesc din nou pentru că e o persoană uimitor de generoasă!
Acum... îmi amintesc că am mai scris despre această carte pe blog mai devreme anul acesta, când oferta de a o lua gratuit era valabilă, şi unii dintre voi mi-aţi spus cât de superbă e coperta, dar că fata are un ochi ciudat. Ei bine, ştiţi ce?! Asta are legătură cu ceea ce se întâmplă în carte. Şi, dacă vă uitaţi cu atenţie, veţi observa şi o lacrimă. Atenţia la detalii e incredibilă! p>
Mia are tot ce-mi place mie la un personaj. Schimbarea ei de-a lungul cărţii e uimitoare, de la o fată care vrea să se ascundă în dulap pentru tot restul vieţii, la una dornică să lupte până la final, oricare ar fi consecinţele. În ea are loc o bătălie, între dorinţa de a uita tot ce s-a întâmplat şi cea de a face ceea ce trebuie. Ador genul acesta de personaje! p>
Primul lucru care mi-a trecut prin minte când am început cartea, a fost că fiecare adolescentă ar trebui să citească primul capitol. Ar trebui să ştie ce se poate întâmpla când se îmbată, acceptă băuturi de la străini şi merg cu ei în locuri retrase. Da, e deranjant să citeşti despre violuri. Dar e şi necesar să înţelegi că viaţa nu e numai lapte şi miere, şi că nu trebuie să stai ca struţul cu capul în nisip! p>
Cu excepţia capitolului cu violul, restul cărţii se axează pe lupta Miei de a trece peste incident. Dar cum poate face asta când ştie cine a atacat-o? Trebuie să aleagă între a face ceea ce trebuie (care implică un proces judiciar foarte lung) şi familia ei. Fiecare îi spune ce trebuie să facă, se joacă cu sentimentele ei şi o păcăleşte, şi asta doar îngreunează lucrurile.
Un alt aspect pozitiv al cărţii e că nu e doar o dramă, ci e vorba şi de acceptarea a ceea ce ţi se întâmplă în viaţă. Totul se întâmplă cu un motiv, şi, aşa cum ciudat cum pare, Miei i se întâmplă şi lucruri bune datorită incidentului, într-un mod în care ea nu şi-ar fi imaginat. Devine mai apropiată de o parte din familie, îi înţelege în sfârşit şi va învăţa să se îndrăgostească din nou, ceva ce nu s-ar fi aşteptat.
Şi pe cât de mult mi-a plăcut această carte, mai are nevoie de ceva „lustruire” înainte să fie perfectă. Am vrut să-i dau cinci flori de vanilie, dar greşelile de tastare de pe ici, pe colo, şi faptul că s-a terminat atât de brusc m-au împins să optez pentru patru. Aceasta e prima carte semnată vreodată de Chloe Adams şi de-abia aştept continuarea! Şi dacă ajungi cumva la această recenzie, te rog, te rog, nu te opri din scris! Ai asta în sânge şi literatura pentru adolescenţi are nevoie de mai multe cărţi ca aceasta! Iar voi, dragi cititori, ce mai aşteptaţi? Luaţi-vă şi voi o copie a cărţii şi citiţi-o! Serios!
Goodreads Description
Sometimes bad things happen to beautiful people.
The wealthy daughter of a high-ranking politician, seventeen year old Mia Abbott-Renou has everything: designer clothes, wealth, spring breaks in Monte Carlo. She lives blissfully unaware of her family’s secrets, until the night she is raped by the son of her father’s greatest political ally.
Her father forbids her from going to the police and threatens to throw her out if she does. It’s a critical election year, one that his party might lose, if the public sours on his doting father image when they realize his daughter is an underage lush and party girl. He can’t risk splintering the party in a nasty court battle that’s certain to draw way too much press, even if that means sacrificing his daughter.
Mia’s world is shattered twice, once by the men who hurt her, and once by the betrayal of her family. She does what her father says. But the rapists strike again and beat their next victim near death.
With the help of her best friend and a couple of unlikely allies, Mia must decide: does she risk losing everything to do what’s right? Or does she turn her back on the truth and preserve the family name?
What’s privileged girl to do, when her perfect little world isn't so perfect anymore?
Genre: YA, Contemporary, Drama
Length: 179 pages
I have so many things to say about this book that I don't even know where to start from! Let's see... What made me want to read this book was actually the fact that it was recommended to me by a author that is very dear to me, so I told myself "Why not?" and, since the ebook was free, I took the chance... or so I thought. I am an air-head sometimes, you see, and when I wanted to start reading I realised I hadn't finished the buying process. I was very sad at that moment, but... guess what? The same person who recommended it to me told me not to worry and actually gifted the ebook to me through Amazon. So I want to thank her again for being an amazingly generous person!
Now... I remember posting about this book on my blog earlier this year, when the free offer was available, and some of you told me the cover is gorgeous, but that the girl has something weird about her eye. Well, guess what?! This is related to what happens in the book. And, if you look closely enough, you'll notice a tear too. The attention to detail is incredible!
Mia is everything I like in a character. Her development throughout the book is amazing, from a frightened girl who wants to hide in her closet forever, to one willing to fight till the end, no matter the consequences. There is a very powerful inner struggle in her, between her wish to forget everything that happened and that of doing the right thing. I love this kind of characters!
The first thought that occured to me when I started the book, was that every single teenage girl should read the first chapter. They should know what can happen when they get drunk, accept drinks from strangers and go with them in secluded places. Yes, it is disturbing to read about rape. But it is also necessary to understand that life isn't all milk and honey, and that you shouldn't hide your head in the sand like an ostrich!
Apart from the rape-chapter, the rest of the book focuses on Mia's fight to get over the incident and move on. But how can she do that when she remembers who the attackers were? She has to choose between doing the right thing (which is a very long trial) and her family. Everyone telling her what she should do, playing with her emotions and setting her up doesn't make things easier either.
Another good thing about this book is that it's not all about drama, it's also about coming to terms about what is happening in your life. Everything happens for a reason and, as weird as it sounds, Mia benefits from this incident in a way that she wouldn't have imagined. She gets closer to a part of her family, she finally understands them and will learn to slowly fall in love again, something she didn't expect it.
As much as I loved this book, it needs a little bit of "polishing" before it's perfect. I wanted to give it five vanilla flowers, but the typos that I found here and there, and the fact that it ended so suddenly made me go for only four. This is the first ever book signed by Chloe Adams and I can't wait for its sequel! And if you find your way to my review, please, please, don't stop writing! It's in your blood and the YA literature needs more books like this one! And you, dear readers, what are you waiting for? Grab your copy of "No Way Back" and read it! Seriously!