In My Mailbox (2)
De asemenea, mi-am cumpărat prima parte a primului volum din seria "Vampirii din Morganville" cu revista Bravo, iar Bianca2b mi-a trimis un pachet foarte frumos cu semne de carte, unele semnate.
Cât despre ebookuri, din nou nu m-a putut abţine şi mi-am luat câteva gratuit de pe Amazon, "Double Crossed" e de pe NetGalley, iar "Illumine" am primit-o cadou de la Lizzy Ford. Mulţumesc din nou! :D
Şi astea sunt bunătăţile de săptămâna asta. Voi ce aţi mai primit şi cumpărat?
Also, I have bought the Romanian edition of the first part of the first novel in the "Morganville Vampires" series together with a magazine for teens, and Bianca2b ha sent me a nice pack of bookmarks, some of them signed.
As for ebooks, I couldn’t resist and I bought some free ones from Amazon, I got "Double Crossed" from NetGalley, and "Illumine" was gifted to me by Lizzy Ford. Thank you again! :D
And these are the goodies from this week. What have you bought or received?