In My Mailbox (2) - Vanilla Moon Books

In My Mailbox (2)

Săptămâna aceasta a fost destul de plină de cărţi, asta mai ales mulţumită lui Lizzy, care a fost foarte drăguţă şi mi-a trimis seriile Witchling şi Rhyn în format Paperback, toate semnate! Mulţumesc din suflet!

De asemenea, mi-am cumpărat prima parte a primului volum din seria "Vampirii din Morganville" cu revista Bravo, iar Bianca2b mi-a trimis un pachet foarte frumos cu semne de carte, unele semnate.

Cât despre ebookuri, din nou nu m-a putut abţine şi mi-am luat câteva gratuit de pe Amazon, "Double Crossed" e de pe NetGalley, iar "Illumine" am primit-o cadou de la Lizzy Ford. Mulţumesc din nou! :D

Şi astea sunt bunătăţile de săptămâna asta. Voi ce aţi mai primit şi cumpărat?


This week was kind of full of books, especially thanks to Lizzy, who was very sweet and sent me the Witchling and Rhyn series paperbacks, all signed! Thank you so much!

Also, I have bought the Romanian edition of the first part of the first novel in the "Morganville Vampires" series together with a magazine for teens, and Bianca2b ha sent me a nice pack of bookmarks, some of them signed.

As for ebooks, I couldn’t resist and I bought some free ones from Amazon, I got "Double Crossed" from NetGalley, and "Illumine" was gifted to me by Lizzy Ford. Thank you again! :D

And these are the goodies from this week. What have you bought or received?

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