Review: Billy Fog 1:The Gift of Trouble Sight - Vanilla Moon Books

Review: Billy Fog 1:The Gift of Trouble Sight

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Like some other kids his age, Billy Fog has to wear glasses. But Billy has the gift of Trouble Sight, so when he takes his glasses off, he sees all the things that other kids can’t—ghosts and ghouls, vampires and monsters, a world of darkness and danger and above all the thing that kids aren’t supposed to see: death. Is Trouble Sight a gift, then, or a curse? A new kind of graphic novel—part storybook, part fable, part gazetteer and bestiary of the horrible and fantastic, inspired by the likes of Tim Burton and Lemony Snicket.

Gen: Carte ilustrată

Publicată în 3 ianuarie 2012 de Archaia Entertainment

Nota mea: 1/5


Am fost curioasă când am citit descrierea acestei cărţi şi nu am ezitat nicio secundă şi am solicitat-o pe NetGalley, în schimbul unei recenzii sincere. Îmi plac cărţile lui Lemony Snicket, şi din moment ce această carte a fost comparată cu opera lui, nu m-am gândit niciun minut că nu îmi va plăcea.

Acum, nu sunt foarte sigură cărei categorie de vârstă îi este destinată această carte ilustrată, dar eu, una, nu-mi pot imagina un copil căruia să-i placă. E foarte înfiorătoare, genul de carte care le-ar da coşmaruri celor mici. Apoi, adolescenţilor li s-ar putea părea plictisitoare, cum a fost cazul meu.

De fapt, mi-au plăcut primele câteva poveşti din carte, dar apoi m-am plictisit de moarte, până la un punct în care dădeam scroll down pe paginile digitale, citind totul cu mai puţin interes decât dă cineva ingredientelor trecute pe ambalajul unui produs.

Billy era crud cu sora lui şi de-a dreptul enervant întregul timp. Personajele secundare nu m-au impresionat deloc, cu excepţia unei uşoare mile faţă de sora şi pisica lui Billy - pentru că au de-a face cu băiatul, fireşte.

Unele dintre poeziile-poveşti aveau rime foarte interesante şi un anumit grad de mister, iar desenele erau bunicele, dar toate aceste aspecte au fost umbrite de povestea slabă.

Au fost şi câteva pagini cu informaţii despre creaturile din carte şi ce poate fi făcut în legătură cu ele, dar tot ce era scris acolo a fost prea prostesc ca să-mi placă.

Cartea asta clar nu a fost pentru mine, pentru că se pare că multor oameni chiar le-a plăcut. Aşa că nu mă credeţi pe cuvânt. Dacă vă plac poveştile înfricoşătoare şi monştri, s-ar putea să vă placă şi "Billy Fog".


Like some other kids his age, Billy Fog has to wear glasses. But Billy has the gift of Trouble Sight, so when he takes his glasses off, he sees all the things that other kids can’t—ghosts and ghouls, vampires and monsters, a world of darkness and danger and above all the thing that kids aren’t supposed to see: death. Is Trouble Sight a gift, then, or a curse? A new kind of graphic novel—part storybook, part fable, part gazetteer and bestiary of the horrible and fantastic, inspired by the likes of Tim Burton and Lemony Snicket.

Genre: Graphic Novel

Published January 3rd 2012 by Archaia Entertainment

My Rating: 1/5


I was intrigued when I read the description of this book and I didn't hesitate a second and requested it on NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. I like Lemony Snicket's books and since this book was compared to it, I didn't think even for a minute that I wouldn't like this one too.

Now I'm not very sure what the aimed age group this graphic novel is intended for, but I, for one, can't imagine a child enjoying this. It's very creepy, the sort of book that would give nightmares to those of young age. Then again, for young adults this may be boring, as it was for me.

I actually liked the first few stories in it, but only to be bored out of my mind reading the next ones, to the point where I was scrolling down the digital pages, reading everything with less interest than someone has when looking at the ingredients written on a product's packaging.

Billy was cruel with his sister and downright annoying the whole time. The secondary characters didn't impress me at all, with the exception of a little pity I felt for Billy's sister and his cat - for having to deal with that boy, of course.

Some of the poem/stories had very interesting rhymes and a certain mystery in them, and the drawings were pretty good, but all these were shadowed by the poor story.

There were also some pages with information about the creatures in the book and what to do about them, but everything written in there was too silly for me to actually enjoy it.

This book was certainly not for me, as I see a lot of people actually loved it. So don't take my word. If you're a fan of creepy stories and monsters, you might enjoy "Billy Fog".


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