Review: Freak of Nature - Julia Crane
Donate Body to Science. Check.
When seventeen-year-old Kaitlyn checked the box, she never suspected she’d have her life–and her body–stolen from her. She awakens one day in a secret laboratory to discover that her body is now half-robot and is forced to hide her own secret: that she still has human emotions and a human mind. If the scientists who made her find out, they’ll erase what remains of who she was.
Kaitlyn finds an unlikely ally in Lucas, a handsome, brilliant scientist who can’t get over the guilt he feels knowing she was once a vibrant, beautiful young woman. He never expected a science project to affect him the way she does. As he tries to help her rediscover her past, he finds himself falling for the brave girl struggling to find her place and acceptance between the human and computer worlds.
Genre: YA, Fantasy, SF, Romance
Length: 167 pages
(English review below)
Aş vrea să încep această recenzie prin a-i mulţumi lui Lizzy Ford, care mi-a făcut cadou acest ebook prin Amazon. Dacă nu ar fi fost ea, nu aş fi descoperit o serie şi o autoare minunate.
Deobicei ştiu de la început dacă ţin în mână o carte bună… sau un Kindle cu un ebook grozav pe ecran. Am fost captivată de la primele pagini. Kaitlyn e un personaj foarte interesant, doar e pe jumătate om, pe jumătate robot. Cel mai interesant e faptul că aceia care au creat-o au încercat să-I şteargă personalitatea, amintirile, întreaga ei fiinţă şi sentimentele ei. Dar oamenii nu funcţionează aşa. Nu poţi apăsa un buton şi să opreşti felul în care e cineva. Aşa că Kaitlyn, deşi a rămas fără amintiri şi toate cele, încă mai are sentimente, dar a învăţat să le ascundă, să afişeze o privire golită de emoţie ca să nu piardă puţinul pe care îl mai are.
Să simţi e una, dar să înţelegi ce înseamnă fiecare emoţie e altceva. Kaitlyn se străduieşte să înţeleagă de ce uneori simte că vrea să facă anumite lucruri care nu au niciun sens pentru ea, cum ar fi să-şi dea ochii peste cap.
Kaitlyn şi-a reamintit că sentimentele şi reacţiile oamenilor nu sunt altceva decât nişte sinapse care-i spun creierului ce să facă. Pentru Kaitly, însă, nu mai erau atât e puternice – fantome ale sentimentelor, în afara razei ei de acţiune. Dar ştia că există, şi ştia că le are faţă de Lucas – sentimente plăcute.
Pe cât de mult mi-a plăcut personajele şi felul în care s-a dezvoltat povestea, m-a deranjat puţin cât de simplu s-a terminat totul. Cred că mă aşteptat la o întorsătură de evenimente mai dramatică, dar, chiar şi aşa, cartea m-a făcut să vreau mai mult, ceea ce e un lucru bun, aceasta fiind prima dintr-o serie. Au fost câteva greşeli de tastare care au scăpat, dar cred că le pot număra pe degete, aşa că nu voi face mare caz din asta.
Acestea fiind spuse, recomand cu căldură această carte tuturor iubitorilor genului SF/Romance care vor să înceapă o serie nouă, unică. Şi din moment ce e o carte scurtă de doar 167 de pagini, cred că merită o încercare.

I would like to start this review by thanking Lizzy Ford, who gifted me this ebook on Amazon. Without her, I wouldn't have discovered this great series and author.
I usually know right from the start when I'm holding a good book in my hand... or a Kindle with a great ebook on the screen. I was hooked right from the very first pages. Kaitlyn is a very intriguing character, after all she's half human, half robot. The most interesting thing is that those who have created her have tried to erase all of her human personality, her memories, her entire being and her feelings. But humans don't work like that. You can't switch a button and turn off how someone is. So Kaitlyn, despite losing her memories and all, still has feelings, but she has learnt to hide them, to put on a blank look so she doesn't lose what little she has left.
Feeling is one thing, however understanding what each emotion means is another. Kaitlyn is struggling to understand why sometimes she feels like doing certain things that currently don't mean anything to her, like rolling her eyes.
Kaitlyn reminded herself. Human emotions and reactions are nothing more than synapses firing, telling the brain what to do. For Kaitlyn, though, they weren't as strong anymore - the ghosts of feelings, just beyond her reach. But she knew they were there, and she knew she had them for Lucas - good feelings.
Luckilly for her, Quess is there to help. She knows Kaitlyn is more than a robot and I must say that the dialogues between the two are hilarious as Kaitlyn doesn't understand the slang expressions Quess uses. More interesting is the relationship Kaitlyn develops with Lucas once he learns that she still has feelings. While I think is a little unrealistic for a man to fall in love with a robot designed to be a perfect killing machine, this whole concept intrigues me. And since I got to experience the story from Kaitlyn's and Lucas' points of view, I was actually cheering for them.
Now as much as I loved the story development and characters, I was a little bothered by how simple everything ended. I think I was expecting a more dramatic turn of events, but even so, the book let me wanting for more, which is a good thing since this is a first in a series. There were a few typos that found their way into the book, but I think I can count them using my fingers, so I will not make a big deal out of it.
All in all, I highly recommend this book to all SF/Romance lovers who want to engage in a new and unique series. And since it is a quick read of only 167 pages, I think you should give it a try.