Leapșă - Răspunde printr-un cântec - Vanilla Moon Books

Leapșă - Răspunde printr-un cântec

Am primit de la Petra o leapșă care constă într-o serie de întrebări, la care trebuie să răspund cu ajutorul titlurilor melodiilor unei trupe sau artist pe care o/îl prefer. Nu a fost ușor, dar l-am ales în cele din urmă pe Yiruma, celebrul pianist corean.

1.Are you a male or female? All myself.
2.Describe Yourself!
Shining Smile
3.How do you feel?
4.Describe where you currently live.
Yellow room
5.If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
On the way
6.Your favorite form of transportation:
With the wind
7.Your best friend?
8.You and your best friend are:
Un homme et une femme
9.What’s the weather like?
Sunny rain
10.Favorite time of day:
It's Your Day
11.If your life was a TV show what would it be called?
Reflection Of Myself
12.What is life to you?
Small steps
13.Your relationship:
Destiny of Love
14.Your fear:
15.What is the best advice you have to give?
Leave behind
16.Thought for the day:
What Beautiful Stars!
17.My motto:
For Everything There Is A Reason For Being

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