Giveaway: Right Gift. Wrong Day by Natalie Decker - Vanilla Moon Books

Giveaway: Right Gift. Wrong Day by Natalie Decker

Right Gift. Wrong Day by Natalie Decker (Offsides, #1.5)
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication date: November 24th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Tyler Richardson is freaking out! Not only did he invite his new girlfriend to meet his entire family, this is also the day they will exchange gifts. But what do you get a girl after dating for only two weeks? Should he listen to his friends and just give her a card, or should he ask for a second opinion? Layla can’t believe she agreed to have dinner with Tyler and his family. What if they don’t like her? To make matter’s worse, they agreed to exchange Christmas gifts. The boy already has everything. And what if she gets him something that’s nicer than what he gets her? That would be really awkward. Asking him what he would like is completely out of the question. Maybe she should ask his friends for help.
After a rocky start, Tyler and Layla’s relationship is everybody’s relationship goals. But can Tyler and Layla survive the holidays without losing their cool?
RIGHT GIFT WRONG DAY is a hilarious companion novella to RIGHT TEXT WRONG NUMBER from Natalie Decker.

Natalie Decker is the author of RIVAL LOVE series and the Scandalous Boys series. She loves oceans, sunsets, sand between her toes, and carefree days. Her imagination is always going, which some find odd. But she believes in seeing the world in a different light at all times. Her first passion for writing started at age twelve when she had to write a poem for English class. However, seventh grade wasn't her favorite time and books were her source of comfort. She took all college prep classes in High school, and attended the University of Akron. Although she studied Mathematics she never lost her passion for writing or her comfort in books. She's a mean cook in the kitchen, loves her family and friends and her awesome dog infinity times infinity. If she's not writing, reading, traveling, hanging out with her family and friends, then she's off having an adventure. Because Natalie believes in a saying: Your life is your own journey, so make it amazing! Find out more visit: www.authornataliedecker.com

“Juliet would love this!” I grab a cooling rack for cookies.
            “She bakes?” Jared asks.
            “My sister makes the most amazing cookies ever.”
            Jared smiles. “I can see that.”
            Could he? She doesn’t really give off the Suzie-homemaker vibe. Lately, she’s been giving off the “everyone can go to hell” vibe. Thinking about her makes me worry all over again.
“I should probably call her.” At least tell her I’m sorry about the texting accident.
            Jared’s fist tightens. “She’s really bad off, isn’t she?”
            I don’t want to go into all the details with him. So, I’m not going to mention her lack of hygiene as of late because that’s embarrassing. Or, the fact that her room makes me cringe in fear because this is just a phase. She’ll snap out of it. Eventually. Until then, I also won’t mention that she’s mastered “total resting bitch face” like a pro. Because the heartache Mark caused my sister made her like this. That person who looks like my sister and stays in her room, is not the same sister I grew up with. Instead, I say the only thing I can, “He was her first boyfriend. I can’t be sure about this, but I also think he was her first kiss.” I wince as I realize Juliet would not want him to know that. “Promise you won’t repeat that.”
Jared’s jaw tightens again. “I’m not a gossip.”
            He turns his intense gaze from mine, and I swear if Mark was in front of us, I think Jared might hurt him. Does Jared still have feelings for my sister? I didn’t think he did because he seemed cold toward Juliet at the dance. At least that’s what she told me.

            Maybe she was wrong. Maybe I should stop talking about Juliet altogether with Jared.

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