Feature & Follow Friday (11)
Join the fun in the Feature and Follow Friday Hop! If you don’t know anything about this blog hop and/or want to find out how you can participate, check the rules here!
Basically, each Friday a blog is featured by the two hosts, Allison Can Read and Parajunkee. Participants to the blog hop have to follow the hosts and the Featured blogs and add their link to the list. This way, they can make new friends and follow each other. It’s really fun! And also, there is a weekly question so everything is even more interesting.
off-topic: Now that I finally got into the college I wanted (best Pharmacy one in Romania), I can be more active and participate in my usual blog hops. Yay!
Q: What do you do with your books after you are done reading them?
I usually read at night, before going to sleep, and if I'm close to the end and it's not a school day next day, I try to finish the book. So, obviously, I got to sleep after I finish it. But if it's a weekend or holiday and I finish it in the middle of the day, I either stare at the book for a few minutes, not believing andregretting the story has ended, or immediately jump to the next book.
What about you?