Mini-review: The Faery Hunt by Alexia Purdy
This is a short story by the author of Reign of Blood and A Dark Faerie Tale series. Includes the acclaimed poem 'Dark Light'.
Supernatural hunters and siblings Amy, Craig and Jay meet their match in the dark woods as they hunt clans of Faeries. Their job is to keep humanity safe, but when things take an unexpected turn, magic takes all.
Genre: Short Story, Fantasy
I picked this book up as it was free on Amazon. I usually like short stories, and this one was ok too, though I had higher expectations from it.
The descriptions were very detailed, and the plot intriguing, but for some reason I couldn't connect to the main characters, maybe partly because of how fast everything was happening.
There could be made a lot of improvements in how the story is developed. Why are the Faeries a danger for humanity? Why are Amy, Craig and Jay the ones who hold the responsibility of attacking them? While I'm ok with the mysterious ending, I think readers would have to know more background information to fully enjoy the story.