Christmas Giveaway: Undercurrent by Jen Minkman - Vanilla Moon Books

Christmas Giveaway: Undercurrent by Jen Minkman


Merry Christmas, everyone! Me and Jen Minkman have prepared a special surprise for you! A giveaway where every participant wins! The prize is a coupon code to download Undercurrent by Jen Minkman for free from Smashwords. Amazing, right?

What you have to do:

  • Like Vanilla Moon's page on Facebook

  • Like Jen Minkman's page on Facebook

  • Leave a comment with your Facebook name and your email, so we can send you the code (if you don't want to leave your email in the comments, please make sure you can be contacted via Facebook messages)

We will check if you liked the pages and then we wil send you the coupon code via email. Be careful! Once you get the coupon code, you have until the last day of 2012 to download the book from Smashwords. After that, the coupon code no longer works.

You can enter this giveaway until the 30th of December!



Crăciun fericit tuturor! Eu şi Jen Minkman v-am pregătit o surpriză specială! Un concurs în care fiecare participant câştigă! Premiul este un cod cu care puteţi descărca Undercurrent de Jane Minkman gratuit de pe Smashwords. Uimitor, nu?

Ce trebuie să faceţi:

  • Daţi like paginii Vanilla Moon de pe Facebook

  • Daţi like paginii lui Jen Minkman de pe Facebook

  • Lăsaţi un comentariu cu numele vostru de pe Facebook şi adresa de email, ca să vă putem trimite codul (dacă nu vreţi să vă lăsaţi emailul în comentariu, asiguraţi-vă că puteţi primi mesaje pe Facebook)

Noi vom verifica dacă aţi dat like paginilor şi vă vom trimite codul prin email. Atenţie! Odată ce primiţi codul, aveţi timp să descărcaţi cartea de pe Smashwords până în ultima zi din 2012. După aceea, codul nu va mai funcţiona.

Puteţi să vă înscrieţi până în 30 decembrie!


Short description

Jen Minkman (1978) is a Dutch author writing her poetry in English. Her influences are Suzanne Vega, Tori Amos and Yoko Ono. 'Undercurrent' is her first volume of poetry. She writes chicklit and paranormal romance for a Dutch publishing house in Arnhem.

Extended description

Jen Minkman was born in the Netherlands in 1978. Although she has always written stories in Dutch, the poems and lyrics she writes are almost exclusively in English. The title ‘Undercurrent’ refers to the reason she started writing poetry: whenever she could not express her emotions verbally, they would flow out of her pen onto paper in the form of poems, releasing an undercurrent of feelings and thoughts that was always present beneath the waves. She is a published author of chicklit and paranormal romance in the Netherlands. Her first novel will come out in English in 2013.


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