Star Watchers de Kelly Vang - ebook gratuit (7 noi.) - Vanilla Moon Books

Star Watchers de Kelly Vang - ebook gratuit (7 noi.)

"Star Watchers" poate fi descărcat gratuit astăzi, 7 noiembrie 2012 de pe Amazon.

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Despre ce este vorba în această carte?
Star Watchers is a collection of over 50 diverse poems, where a handful of selected poems merge to tell a greater story, of love, darkness and the hard-earned journey of life.

The challenge is figuring out which poems piece together the larger story called, Star Watchers. Readers will be able to recognize that certain poems connect through repetition of names and phrases. In the book, there are a series of poems also entitled, Star Watchers, these are the key poems to pay close attention to.

Star Watchers uses fantasy, horror, and inspirational elements to provoke new ways of seeing the human condition. The poetry depicts unhappy, nervous, bitter and clever individuals; they found themselves in both in triumphs and defeats. Unfortunately, these characters often met with the fate of tragedy. Their misfortunes serve not only to entertain but also to inform its readership. Each poem and each character draws out a meaningful message for readers to take away with them. Yet, after piecing the poems together, there is an even bigger story--left for readers to determine for themselves.

Star Watchers will captivate the imagination, provoke fear and leave readers in wonder with a shocking discovery. Several poems are inspired by horror legend, Edgar Allan Poe.

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