Review: Pups in Tea Cups by Carolyn McCray
English Review
"Pups in Tea Cups" initially caught my attention as it was free on Amazon a while ago. And since I am planning on having a cute little dog sometime in the future, I told myself it might be interesting to read.
Now this book is actually a collection of stories of dogs that the author, being a veterinarian, has treated or adopted during her career.
Some of them are very inspirational, funny and/or cute, but some I found boring and repetitive. The thing is that this book is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to own a little dog, as it opens up your eyes to certain things.
McCray refers to this type of dog's behaviour as "littleness", which has both its positive and negative aspects. For instance, these dogs are usually very stubborn, require much attention and love, but can also bring miracles into the family.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book and at least I know now what to expect when I finally get the dog of my dreams.