Ce citim gratis weekend-ul ăsta? - Vanilla Moon Books

Ce citim gratis weekend-ul ăsta?

1. Angela Orlowski Peart îşi sărbătoreşte ziua de naştere oferindu-ne gratuit cartea ei între 16-17 noiembrie, pe Amazon. Să îi urăm multă sănătate şi la mulţi ani! Happy Birthday, Angela!

E un roman paranormal de dragoste, dar şi un urban fantasy, genuri pe care ştiu prea bine cât le îndrăgiţi. Dar să vedem despre ce e vorba:

Their choice had been taken away long before they were born.

Two Seattle 16-year-old Shape Shifters, Jatred and Jasmira, are torn between following their hearts and protecting the order of the world. The path of the star-crossed lovers leads only to destruction. 

The ancient Shape Shifter Races—the Winter wolves and the Summer leopards— live among humans and fit perfectly into modern life, while keeping secret societies with their own laws and traditions.
Two Goddesses, Crystal and Amber command their respective Races. One is on a quest to tilt the scale of power to her side. The other will never let it happen, even if it means sacrificing Jatred and Jasmira’s love.
The Amulet commissioned to bring stability into the world remains hidden and concealed with the help of advanced technology. Jatred is the guardian of the Amulet and key to the Goddesses’ conflict.
When the forces of nature are disrupted, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions rake the world. The Goddesses go to war and summon all their Shifters to join in the conflict. Jatred and Jasmira must fight not only for their love but to protect the future of both Races and humankind.

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2. Ne plictisim vreodată de paranormal romance? Nu prea! Aşa că mai avem o carte din genul ăsta! Este vorba de Silver Hollow de Jennifer Silverwood, dar nu ştiu să vă zic cât timp e gratuită, aşa că, dacă o vreţi, nu staţi pe gânduri!

Amie Wentworth writes paranormal romances, not because she is looking for a degree on ectoplasm, but because she’s got bills to pay. Ever since her parents’ car crash, she has been led a reclusive life and trusted books more than people. Not even a letter from her long-lost uncle, begging her to visit, gives Amie incentive for anything other than ire – until she is stabbed in an alley and brought back to life by a mysterious stranger.

After crossing the Atlantic to her father’s homeland, Amie is dragged into the very sort of tale she is used to selling. Silver Hollow is a place of ancient traditions and supernatural dangers, where everything is the opposite of what it seems and few escape sane.

Being a believer in the corporeal, she is determined to root out the logic behind the unexplained. Never mind the possibility she might be a part of it, or the fact her dearly departed dad left her with an inheritance she can’t return. To make matters worse, the man who saved her life keeps turning up and her would-be-murderer is still at large.

Amie decides to throw herself into the world Uncle Henry has crafted for her. He teaches her the tricks of the trade and she tries to ignore the fact that his Gothic home and she are slowly changing. But when she comes face to face with the ugly truth, will she too be sucked into her father’s madness? Or will she discover that madness is just another name for honesty?

O vrem, o descărcăm!

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