In My Mailbox / Stacking the Shelves (31)
Hi! Welcome to In My Mailbox and Stacking the Shelves, the weekly memes where I show you what books I bought and received lately. To find official information like how to participate or why it was started, check the official IMM page and STS page!
Sorry for not posting so much these weeks, I've been very busy getting used to college plus I had some personal problems I needed to fix. I will try to post more often from now on. I hope you understand sometimes "life happens" and it prevents us from doing what we would like most. I have some reviews to write too, so I should start from there. But now it's time to see what books I got over these weeks - because I can't stop buying books even if I don't have the time to read them. :P
Bought in paperback
Hardcovers :)
From the authors :)
Swag from Liliana
Brace yourselves, ebooks are coming next :D
What's new in your library? :)