Review: Rhyn's Redemption - Vanilla Moon Books

Review: Rhyn's Redemption

Katie and Rhyn are in a race against time to free Katie from the underworld, before Death claims her soul and that of her child. When Katie’s guide in the underworld disappears, she has one option: trust the ghost of someone long-dead and seek out Death's fortress in order to try to escape through the portal leading back to the mortal world.
Rhyn discovers Katie's alive but struggles to control his demon powers, which were unleashed when he un-bonded her. He opens the barrier that keeps Death safe from the Dark One. Demons and his immortal brothers follow him as he seeks out Death to make a deal for Katie’s life. When Death reveals to Rhyn what will happen if Katie’s soul is returned, he must choose between destruction of the world or his own mate.

Gen: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Număr de pagini: 202
Publicată în 23 martie 2012 prin Createspace




Nu cred să mai fi citit vreodată o trilogie întreagă în două săptămâni. Am întârziat cu recenzia numai pentru că am fost foarte prinsă lucrând la prima mea carte. Dar asta e altă poveste, iar voi sunteţi aici ca să citiţi părerea mea despre "Rhyn's Redemption" de scriitoarea de YA Paranormal Romance Lizzy Ford.

Această ultimă carte din trilogia Rhyn ne răspunde la toate întrebările care s-au adunat de la primele două cărţi. E plină de surprize, dar şi cheia rezolvării puzzleului format de cărţile precedente. Dacă ar trebui să o rezum într-o propoziţie, aş spune că e un joc inteligent de şah între însăşi Moartea şi Darkyn, care se află într-o situaţie de tipul “câştigi sau pierzi totul”. Dar cine va da şah-mat? Aflaţi doar citind cartea. Atât de multe lucruri incredibile se întâmplă în cartea asta, că de-abia mă abţin să nu vă dau spoilere!

Daţi-mi voi să spun asta: Toby, ştiam eu că rolul tău e mult mai important decât am fost înclinaţi să credem. Îmi iubesc instinctual! Şi nu pot să vă spun cât de mult i-am adorat pe Deidre şi Gabriel în această ultimă carte. Rhyn şi Katie au fost super, ca de obicei, şi am putut simţi cât de îngrijoraţi erau unul pentru celălalt.

Oh, Lizzy Ford, cum le atragi tu atenţia cititorilor tăi! Cu o mulţime de întorsături de situaţie neaşteptate, cum să te plictiseşti? Păcălind moartea, găsind portiţe în reguli mai vechi decât timpul, acceptându-ţi destinul, dar încercând totodată să-l schimbi, cartea nu duce lipsă deloc de acţiune. Mă enervează când acest gen de cărţi se centrează prea mult pe cupluri şi chimia dintre ele, dar trilogia Rhyn era romantism exact cât trebuie. Şi nu pot spune nici că e o carte tipică pentru fete. Să găseşti echilibrul şi să adaugi exact cât trebuie din fiecare element în cărţile pentru tineri ar putea fi dificil, dar Lizzy Ford a găsit reţeta perfectă cu trilogia Rhyn!

Cartea, desigur, merge direct pe raftul meu de cărţi preferate, mai ales datorită pasiunii cu care am savurat tot ce s-a întâmplat. De la personajele enervante pe care mi-a plăcut să le detest, la protagoniştii incredibili, personajele au fost toate foarte reliste, chiar dacă vorbim despre o carte Fantasy. Este exact ceea ce caut într-o carte pentru tineri, şi m-am bucurat să descopăr seria exact atunci când credeam că nu îmi mai place acest gen. O recomand din inimă tuturor iubitorilor genului.


Katie and Rhyn are in a race against time to free Katie from the underworld, before Death claims her soul and that of her child. When Katie’s guide in the underworld disappears, she has one option: trust the ghost of someone long-dead and seek out Death's fortress in order to try to escape through the portal leading back to the mortal world.
Rhyn discovers Katie's alive but struggles to control his demon powers, which were unleashed when he un-bonded her. He opens the barrier that keeps Death safe from the Dark One. Demons and his immortal brothers follow him as he seeks out Death to make a deal for Katie’s life. When Death reveals to Rhyn what will happen if Katie’s soul is returned, he must choose between destruction of the world or his own mate.

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Length: 202 pages
Published March 23rd 2012 by Createspace

My review



I don't think I've ever read before an entire trilogy in a 2 weeks' time. I only delayed writing the review of this last book because I was very caught up in working on my very first novel. But that's another story, and you're here to read my thoughts on "Rhyn's Redemption" by YA Paranormal Romance writer Lizzy Ford.

This final book in the Rhyn Trilogy series answers to all the questions we've ever had from the first two novels. It is full of surprises and also the key to solving the puzzle formed by the prequels. If I had to sum up this book in one sentece, I'd say it is a clever and exciting chess game between Death itself and Darkyn, who are caught between a win or lose all situation. Who is the one who gives the Checkmate? You can only find out by reading it. So many incredible things happening in this book, I barely manage not to spoil it for you, dear review reader!

Let me just say this: Toby, I knew your role was much more important than we were led to believe. I love my instincts! And I can't stress enough how much I adored Deidre and Gabriel in this last book. Rhyn and Katie were awesome as always, I could actually feel how worried they were for each other.

Oh, Lizzy Ford, how you manage to capture your readers' attention! With lots of unexpected turns of events, how could I get bored? Cheating death, finding the loopholes in rules older than time, accepting your destiny, but at the same time trying to change it, the book doesn't lack at all in action. I find it annoying when this kind of books focus too much on the couples and their chemistry, but Rhyn's Trilogy has just the right amount of Romance. It's not what I'd call girlish either. Finding the balance and adding the right amounts of everything in a YA book may be tricky, but Lizzy Ford managed to find the perfect recipe with the Rhyn series!

This, of course, goes straight to my "favourites" shelf, mainly because of the passion with wich I savoured everything that happened. From the annoying characters that I loved to hate, to the amazing protagonists, the characters all seem very realistic, despite this being a Fantasy book. It's really the exact thing I am looking for in a YA Paranormal Romance, and I was happy to find it at the time when I thought this genre was no longer fit for my reading tastes. I recommend it with all my heart to lovers of this genre.


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