Review: Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy #1) - Lizzy Ford - Vanilla Moon Books

Review: Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy #1) - Lizzy Ford

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Katie didn't send her boyfriend to Hell, but she's going there to bust him out!
Katie thinks she’s going crazy when a baby angel and death’s personal assistant appear on her doorstep. Both claim she’s destined for something great. If she can survive, that is. She’s drawn into a world filled with immortals like Rhyn, an outcast who claims her as his mate in a show of defiance to his brothers. Katie rescues Rhyn from Hell, and he discovers fast just how special his little human is. With Death counting his days on one hand, Rhyn must learn to love, before his own time is up and Katie becomes the first human casualty in the brewing war between immortals. Will the love between a gifted young woman and an immortal outcast save the world-- or destroy it?

Gen: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Număr de pagini: 220
Publicată în 3 iunie 2011 de Createspace

Recenzia mea


Când am început această carte, eram deja îndrăgostită de trilogia Witchling a lui Lizzy Ford şi nu mi-aş fi închipui niciodată că ar fi posibil ca Rhyn să-i ia locul ca seria mea preferată semnată de LF. Am citit cartea în două zile, ceea ce rar reuşesc din moment ce sunt în ultimul an de liceu şi am mult de învăţat.

Am citit mult Paranormal Romance în ultimul timp, de la romane cu vampiri, la romane cu vrăjitoare, şi e foarte revigorant când descopăr cărţi cu creaturi supranaturale atât de originale precum cele din trilogia Rhyn. Avem demoni, îngeri şi Nemuritori –creaturi asemănătoare îngerilor, care beau sânge, dar protejează rasa umană.

Ce mi-a plăcut cel mai mult la cartea asta e cât de reale par personajele. Sunt uşor de îndrăgit şi te fac să-ţi pese cu adevărat ce li se întâmplă, mai ales Katie şi Rhyn. Mi-a plăcut în mod special cum s-a dezvoltat relaţia dintre ei, de la ură, la resemnare şi, în cele din urmă, iubire.

Katie e un personaj foarte puternic. E incredibil cum reuşeşte să nu-şi piardă minţile când lumea aşa cum o ştia ea se prăbuşeşte. Îmi e foarte greu să nu vă dau spoilere, dar cred că o veţi îndrăgi la fel de mult ca mine. Rhyn, pe de altă parte, nu mi-a plăcut la început. Dar după ce am citit despre trecutul lui, totul a căpătat sens şi m-am trezit că îi ţin galerie. E unul din acele personaje cărora vrei să le dai un pumn uneori, dar în acelaşi timp nu te poţi abţine să-i iubeşti.

Eu sunt deja obişnuită cu stilul de scris al lui Lizzy Ford şi trebuie să vă mărturisesc că îl ador. Se vede clar că are scrisul în sânge, pentru că nu te poţi dezlipi de cărţile ei. Pline de acţiune incredibilă, personaje uimitoare şi poveşti deosebite – ce nu e de plăcut? O lectură obligatorie pentru orice fan al genului Paranormal Romance.


Katie didn't send her boyfriend to Hell, but she's going there to bust him out!
Katie thinks she’s going crazy when a baby angel and death’s personal assistant appear on her doorstep. Both claim she’s destined for something great. If she can survive, that is. She’s drawn into a world filled with immortals like Rhyn, an outcast who claims her as his mate in a show of defiance to his brothers. Katie rescues Rhyn from Hell, and he discovers fast just how special his little human is. With Death counting his days on one hand, Rhyn must learn to love, before his own time is up and Katie becomes the first human casualty in the brewing war between immortals. Will the love between a gifted young woman and an immortal outcast save the world-- or destroy it?

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Length: 220 pages
Published June 3rd 2011 by Createspace

My review


When I started this book I was already in love with Lizzy Ford's Witchling Trilogy and I would have never imagined there was a possibility Rhyn might take its place as my favourite LF book series. I read the book in two days, something I rarely manage to do, since I am in the final year of highschool and have a lot of studying to do.

I have been reading a lot of Paranormal Romance lately, from vampire to witches novels, and it is very refreshing when I discover books with supernatural creatures so unique as the Rhyn Trilogy has. We have demons, angels and Immortals - blood eating beings similar to angels, protectors of the human race.

My favourite aspect about this book is how real the characters seem to be. They are easy to love, and make you really care about what happens to them, especially Katie and Rhyn. I especially liked how their relationship develops throughout the book, from hate to acceptance, and finally love.

Katie is a very strong character. It's incredible how she manages to keep her sanity when the world as she knew it is crushing down. It's really hard for me not to give you spoilers on what happens to her, but I think you will love her character as much as I did. Rhyn, on the other hand, was not to my liking at first. But after reading about his background, it all made sense and I actually found myself cheering up for him. It's one of those characters that you sometimes want to punch at some point, but you can't help loving him at the same time.

I am already used to Lizzy Ford's writing style and I must say I love it. You can tell she has writing in her blood, as her books keep you glued to them. Full of incredible action, amazing characters and unique stories - what's not to like? A must-read for any Paranormal Romance fan.


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