Review: Autumn Storm (Witchling Trilogy 2) - Lizzy Ford
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A girl with no memory, hidden in plain sight. A boy with no hope, freefalling into Darkness.
Autumn doesn’t know why she remembers a boarding school she’s never visited, or why her reflection isn’t always … hers. There’s another girl in the mirror, a dark-haired ghost that emerges one night to guide her to a cliff near the school. Only Autumn can’t remember what happened there and why it’s so important. Beck’s gentle touch soothes her distress while Decker’s every look sets her body on fire. Caught between the twins, she struggles to understand her instincts and magick while working through the pain caused by a mysterious car accident that left her disabled, barely able to walk.
Unable to recover from Summer’s death, Decker slowly surrenders to the Dark. He can’t live with the pain, and those around him keep Autumn’s secret too well. The guilt he feels when he falls for her – and betrays Summer’s memory – drives him farther from the Light, until he loses control and begins taking the souls of Light witchlings. As the protector of Light, Beck must choose between confronting his twin and watching more witchlings suffer. Decker realizes Beck has come between more than him and the witchlings. With neither of them willing to let Autumn go, they turn on each other.
Only one of them knows the truth. Only one of them will walk away, unless Autumn can find a way to save them both.
Lungime: 256 pages
Publicată în 1 decembrie 2012 de Guerrilla Wordfare
Gen YA, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Recenzia mea
Această recenzie poate conţine spoilere din volumele 1 şi 1.5
Pe ochelarii mei! Şi eu care credeam că „Dark Summer” ne-a lăsat în suspans! Faţă de sfârşitul acestui volum... nu e nimic. Ce bine că a apărut deja „Autumn Storm”, nuvela-continuare! Probabil o voi lua razna dacă nu aflu curând ce se va întâmpla.
OK. Acum că am avut momentul meu de fană nebună a seriei, e timpul să vă împărtăşesc părerea mea despre această carte. Să începem cu începutul. Dacă nu aţi citit nimic din seria asta, nu ştiţi ce pierdeţi. Dar dacă aţi citit deja prima carte, atunci vă sugerez să nu săriţi peste nuvela „Summer Night” înainte să citiţi „Autumn Storm”, ca să vă puteţi bucura de continuitatea poveştii.
Mulţumită lui Beck şi a Raniei, Summer se reîncarnează ca Autumn, pentru a avea o a doua şansă să facă ceea ce trebuie şi, mai important, să-l ajute pe Decker să reziste Întunericului. E ca o gură de aer proaspăt cât de diferită e Autumn în comparaţie cu Summer. Sigur, e aceeaşi fată inocentă şi are aceleaşi puteri magice, dar acum e mai puternică şi mai capabilă să se apere. Cred că aş putea spune că moartea ei ca Summer era necesară, pentru că nu ar fi fost în stare să-l ajute pe Decker aşa naivă cum era în viaţa ei anterioară.
Autumn nu poate scăpa de sentimentul că a mai fost la şcoala aceea cu internat, şi că a mai întâlnit o dată o parte din persoanele care învaţă acolo. Şi ce-mi place la nebunie e conexiunea dintre ea şi Summer, o fantomă a ei însăşi, a trecutului ei. Summer o ghidează pe Autumn şi încearcă să o facă să înţeleagă care e rolul ei, dar e destul de dificil din moment ce amintirile lui Autumn sunt blocate prin magie.
Decker înnebuneşte după moartea lui Summer şi e păcălit că dacă se lasă pradă Întunericului va rezolva toate problemele lui. Încearcă să treacă peste situaţia dificilă făcând lucruri considerate imorale şi ştiu că unor persoane nu le place să citească despre astfel de lucruri, dar cred că ar trebui să accepte că nu toată lumea e un model drept de urmat. Şi dacă un autor alege să scrie despre asta, nu înseamnă că dă exemplu negativ. Ba din contră, aş putea spune că el sau ea arată acel „aşa nu”.
Totul se petrece foarte repede, şi mi-ar fi plăcut descrieri mai detaliate a ceea ce fac personajele, ale împrejurimilor... Totuşi, primim mai multe informaţii legate de familia Turner şi despre cum funcţionează magia, ceea ce e super, pentru că faptul că magia nu era explicată prea în detaliu în prima carte nu mi-a plăcut. Sunt nesătulă de astfel de informaţii, aşa că şi acum aştept să aflu mai multe.
E ceva magic la felul în care Lizzy Ford scrie. Uneori mă întreb ce fel de lipici e pus pe copertă, pentru că nu pot lăsa uşor cărţile ei din mână. „Încă un capitol” îmi spun la nesfârşit. Nu ai cum să nu te îndrăgosteşti de poveştile ei, şi, înainte să-ţi dai seama, deja eşti dependent de una sau mai multe din seriile ei.
A girl with no memory, hidden in plain sight. A boy with no hope, freefalling into Darkness.
Autumn doesn’t know why she remembers a boarding school she’s never visited, or why her reflection isn’t always … hers. There’s another girl in the mirror, a dark-haired ghost that emerges one night to guide her to a cliff near the school. Only Autumn can’t remember what happened there and why it’s so important. Beck’s gentle touch soothes her distress while Decker’s every look sets her body on fire. Caught between the twins, she struggles to understand her instincts and magick while working through the pain caused by a mysterious car accident that left her disabled, barely able to walk.
Unable to recover from Summer’s death, Decker slowly surrenders to the Dark. He can’t live with the pain, and those around him keep Autumn’s secret too well. The guilt he feels when he falls for her – and betrays Summer’s memory – drives him farther from the Light, until he loses control and begins taking the souls of Light witchlings. As the protector of Light, Beck must choose between confronting his twin and watching more witchlings suffer. Decker realizes Beck has come between more than him and the witchlings. With neither of them willing to let Autumn go, they turn on each other.
Only one of them knows the truth. Only one of them will walk away, unless Autumn can find a way to save them both.
Length: 256 pages
Published December 1st 2012 by Guerrilla Wordfare
Genre YA, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
My Review
This review may containg spoilers from book 1 and 1.5
Oh... my... glasses! And I thought "Dark Summer" ended in a huge cliffhanger! Compared to this one's ending... it's nothing. Thank God there's the "Autumn Dawn" novella-sequel! I will probably go crazy if I don't find out soon what's going to happen.
OK. Now that I've had my crazy fangirl moment, it's time I shared with you my thoughts about this book. First things first. If you haven't read anything from this series, you don't know what you're missing. But if you have already read the first book, then I suggest you don't skip the "Summer Night" novella before you read "Autumn Storm", so you can enjoy the continuity of the story.
Thanks to Beck and Rania, Summer reincarnates as Autumn, to have a second chance to do what's right and, more importantly, help Decker stand up to his Darkness. What's really refreshing is how different Autumn is compared to Summer. Sure, she is the same innocent girl and has the same magical powers, but she is stronger, more able to stand up to herself. I think I could say that her death as Summer was necessary, as she wouldn't have been able to help Decker as naive as she was in her past life.
Autumn can't shake the feeling that she has been before to the boarding school, and already met some of the people who study there. And what I really love is how there is a connection between her and Summer, a ghost of herself, her past. Summer guides Autumn and tries to make her understand what her role is, but it's very difficult since Autumn's memories are being blocked with magic.
Decker goes crazy after Summer's death, and he is fooled to believe surrendering to Darkness would solve all of his problems. He is trying to deal with the situation by doing immoral things, and I know that some people don't like this sort of characters in books, but they should accept that not everybody is a role model. If an author chooses to write about such things, it doesn't mean that the author is setting a bad example. On the contrary, I could say that he or she is showing the "how not".
The action was fast-paced, and I would have liked more detailed descriptions of what the characters were doing and their surroundings. However, we get more insight into the Turner family and how the magic works, and that's really great since the underexplained magic was one of the things that I didn't quite like in the first book. I'm very hungry for this kind of things and even now, I still crave to find out more about everything.
There's something magical in the way Lizzy Ford writes. Sometimes I wonder what kind of glue is put on the covers of her books, as I can't put them down easily. "One more chapter" I tell myself over and over. You can't help falling in love with her stories and before you realise you are addicted to one or more of her series.