Review/Recenzie: Blood Trail: Dawning - Matt Cochran
Goodreads Description
Prisoner Etu, racked with guilt, re-lives the decision which led to the destruction of his tribe at the hands of an unthinkable monster generations before. The year is 1867 and nestled among the majestic mountains of the Pacific Northwest lies a Native American village on the verge of extinction. When its inhabitants become suspicious of a strange family who choose to live apart from the rest, young Etu trails the family to a camp deep in the woods only to discover that they possess inconceivable powers! When Etu reveals what he has witnessed to the tribe, his father, a powerful Witchdoctor, discloses the identity of the family and the spell he cast on them years before. An edict to exterminate the family at all costs is passed down - but when confronted by their powers, the plan only sets in motion the birth of a curse more evil than any of them could have imagined!
Expected publication: March 12th 2013
Genre: graphic novel
I read this for the Paranormal Reading Challenge 2013 hosted by Auntie Spinelli Reads.
Bilingual Review: ENG/RO
My fascination with Native Americans began one month ago, when I read "Shadow of Time" by Jen Minkman. I have promised myself I would read more books about them, and when I saw this graphic novel available on NetGalley, I jumped at the opportunity.
I regret admitting that I didn't particularly enjoy this one. It was a pleasant read, but nothing very special, at least not for me. I had high expectations and the book failed to deliver. The story couldn't captivate me until the second half of it. Due to the book's short length, of just 64 pages, everything felt rushed and, therefore, I couldn't enjoy it fully.
We, humans, fear the things we are not capable to understand, we push aside those people who are different than us and we don't let them join our groups. Ideas like these are conveyed in this graphic novel, in the form of a village of Native Americans that reject a specific family due to its abnormal powers.
The graphics, although good, were not to my taste. I expected them to be somewhat similar to what is featured on the cover and I was dissapointed to find they were very different.
For a quick read, "Blood Trail: Dawning" was quite ok, but not memorable. I only recommend it to those who like graphic novels and are fascinated by the Native Americans, but don't have much time on their hands.
Fascinaţia mea faţă de americanii nativi a început în urmă cu o lună, când am citit "Shadow of Time" de Jen Minkman. Mi-am promis că voi citi mai multe cărţi despre ei, şi când am văzut această carte ilustrată pe NetGalley, am profitat de oportunitate.
Cu regret recunosc că nu mi-a plăcut în mod special. A fost o lectură agreabilă, dar nimic special, cel puţin nu pentru mine. Am avut mari aşteptări, dar această carte nu s-a ridicat la ele. Povestea nu a reuşit să mă captiveze decât pe la a doua jumătate. Datorită lungimii de doar 64 de pagini, totul a părut fuşerit şi nu m-am putut bucura de poveste cum ar fi trebuit.
Noi, oamenii, ne temem de lucruri pe care nu le putem înţelege şi dăm la o parte oamenii care sunt diferiţi faţă de noi şi nu îi lăsăm să intre în grupurile noastre. Astfel de idei se regăsesc în acest roman grafic, sub forma unui sat de americani nativi care resping o familie datorită puterilor sale anormale.
Ilustraţiile, deşi bune, nu mi-au plăcut. M-am aşteptat să fie oarecum similare cu cele de pe copertă şi am fost dezamăgită să constat că erau foarte diferite.
Pentru o lectură uşoară, "Blood Trail: Dawning" a fost ok, dar nu memorabilă. O recomand doar celor cărora le plac romanele grafice şi sunt fascinaţi de americanii nativi, dar care nu au prea mult timp liber la dispoziţie.