Giveaway: Hattori Hachi Signed Paperbacks (INT) - Vanilla Moon Books

Giveaway: Hattori Hachi Signed Paperbacks (INT)


It is time for yet another international giveaway. Are you ready? This time, the prize is a complete set of Hattori Hachi paperbacks, signed by Jane Prowse! Yes, you read it well! You have until the 6th of February to enter and gain as many entries as you can. Why 6th of February? It's the 4th anniversary of my blog! Yes, I have been blogging for four years! Huge thanks to Jane Prowse for offering this prize! She is an amazingly generous person and an extraordinary author!

You know the rules. I will check the winner's entries... If he/she cheated, the prize goes to someone else. The winner will be announced on the blog and via email and he/she will have 3 days to respond with the mailing address. If not, there will be another winner.

As you can see in the Rafflecopter, it is mandatory to leave a comment with a specific answer. If your comment does not include it, you are disqualified. Please read carefully each entry option before you rush to get extra entries.



E timpul pentru încă un concurs internaţional. Sunteţi gata? De data asta, premiul e un set complet al seriei Hattori Hachi, în format paperback, semnat de autoare! Da, ai citit bine! Până pe 6 februare, te poţi înscrie şi strânge câte şanse în plus vrei. De ce 6 februarie? E a patra aniversare a blogului meu! Da, sunt bloggeriţă de patru ani! Infinite mulţumiri lui Jane Prowse pentru că oferă acest premiu! E o persoană uimitor de generoasă şi o autoare extraordinară!

Ştiţi regulile. Voi verifica intrările câştigătorului... dacă a trişat, premiul merge la altcineva. Câştigătorul va fi anunţat pe blog şi prin email şi va avea 3 zile să răspundă cu adresa poştală. Dacă nu, voi alege alt câştigător.

După cum vedeţi în Rafflecopter, e obligatoriu să lăsaţi un comentariu cu un anumit răspuns. Dacă nu îl includeţi în comentariul vostru, veţi fi descalificaţi. Vă rog să citiţi cu atenţie fiecare opţiune pentru şanse în plus şi nu vă grăbiţi.

Find more about the series on the official site.


'What’s an “Animus”?’ asked Mad Dog.

Literally, it means “animating spirit” – that’s the essence of your core being, the spirit that defines you as a person,' answered Yazuki. 'But it can also mean “animosity” which is why the animal shadows only usually come out in confrontational situations. For centuries, Ninja have looked to the earth for inspiration in ways to live and fight. This is why you see us all giving off animal shadows. We each study the species that mean most to us. We each have an “Animus” that is unique...'

So... what's your animus? Leave the answer in the comment section, as this is mandatory to be qualified for this giveaway.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab the giveaway button!

The code is:
<a href="http://wp.me/p2XcB2-AG" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhoJLcAD6kcSDFmsR-y1gWwWdU8E1e3VBpmx5N__oWvXU3CvHjO0udhwML2KakfzykwBf-BhBuHLgAVCk-4om9ImgX_1nzX5iEtqK3n-GF_U0f2Po_8zuhd8xhyphenhyphen6zYFZdAtkBrqtU0C1aM/s402/giveaway.jpg"/></a>


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